Monday, September 17, 2012


As I review the feedback on my second rough draft, I am finally getting a clear understanding of what this paper is asking for how to properly analyze it. What we discussed in class today was that we shouldn't give a broad comparison of two different genres with different audiences and as I look back at my paper and the feedback given to me, I did exactly that. I realized when I was rereading the paragraph where I summarized Keeping up with the Kardashians that I somehow compared it to Little Bear and the shows I watched when I was younger and that just doesn't make sense. I need to think about who is the audience for the Kardashians, what it means and how this show specifically changed my perspective of the world. And basically in my conclusion, instead of giving big claims that are broad and compare different genres and audiences, I need to tie together how each television show changed my view of the world and not how media has changed because only my taste in T.V. has. All of the feedback that I received was very helpful and overall I need to change the way I analyzed each show and instead just discuss how it made me feel and not others. Not only was the feedback very helpful but the activity we did in class made me understand how to analyze a show and the steps it takes to do so.

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