Monday, November 19, 2012

Gangnam Style

hey sexy lady
stables/ barn

Friday, November 16, 2012

My Post Secret Postcard

My audience for my Post Secret Postcard is anyone, male or female, who has to endure public speaking in their daily lives. Whether they feel the same way I do about public speaking, they still may be able to relate or maybe have another fear the goes along with public speaking. My design features in my postcard, is I made the whole postcard different shades of red to show the different shades of red that I get when I have to public speak. On the top of the postcard, I wrote text explaining what my secret. I wrote the last word of secret at the bottom right of the postcard to show people that I also have trouble studdering or finishing sentences when I have to public speak.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Peer Review: Paper 3

This peer review was very helpful because I was unsure if my paper was heading in the right direction.
After my partner read over it and gave me a few pointers and ideas to think about, I know I will be able to succeed the paper length requirement because of the additional information I will add. She told me to watch out for grammar, and the make sure I am confident in my writing or it will not be convincing. I am going to try to expand my information and make my facts specific and not so broad. Now that I have my research, I have a clear image of my spoof ad that correlates with the research correctly. The peer review we worked on today has worked best for me because it allows me to know what more to add to my paper and helps benefit my paper as a whole, rather than specific paragraphs in the paper.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Spoof Ad: McCruelty

This ad is clearly a spoof ad of how McDonald's prepares their food. You see the head of a dead cow that is covered in blood, which is red and one of McDonald's primary colors, and then on the right the colors are yellow, red, and black which also helps you recognize this is about McDonald's. This spoof ad is supposed to make you realize what really goes on behind the production of McDonald's Big Macs and the cruelty the poor animal goes through. The text is asking "Do you want fries with that?" and being paired with that picture of course you wouldn't want to eat fries with a head of a dead carcass. However, if this were a true McDonald's advertisement, there would be a juicy Big Mac with the same text, and yes, many would want fries with that. This ad wants people to realize that McDonald's is basically "cruelty to go." They are not concerned for people's health or the well being of animals, they just make intriguing advertisements to get customers money. If McDonald's ads truly looked like this, they would go out of business because it is unappealing, upsetting and unappetizing. This spoof ad's audience is mainly for vegetarians because of the text shown at the bottom.